Ignite Portsmouth
Ignite Portsmouth Entrepreneurship Boot Camp returns for third year and announces Multi-County Expansion
Shawnee State University’s Kricker Innovation Hub (KIH) has announced the return of the Ignite Portsmouth Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for its third year. The eight-week program kicks off on May 11 and will culminate in a pitch competition. Participants will pitch their own business ideas in front of a panel of judges and the winner will receive a cash prize and the opportunity to pitch in front of the Tri-State Angel Investment Group.
"Ignite is the ultimate catalyst for new businesses in our region," said David Kilroy, SSU Director of the KIH. "Through this program, participants gain valuable knowledge and resources, as well as the opportunity to network with mentors and other entrepreneurs in the region. Over the past two years, Ignite Portsmouth has helped to launch and expand several businesses in Scioto County. We’d also like to thank Fluor-BWXT for our prize sponsorship to help get economic development dollars directly into the hands of entrepreneurs and small businesses for Ignite in Scioto, Pike, Ross, and Jackson counties.”
Ignite Portsmouth meets once per week (each Thursday from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.) and offers participants comprehensive training in business model canvas development, market analysis, customer validation, marketing, branding, pitching, revenue models, access to capital, and more. Each participant also receives access to the LivePlan business planner and professional headshots.
The Ignite Portsmouth Entrepreneurship Boot Camp is open to anyone with a new business or product, or with plans to pivot an existing business to new markets. Interested individuals can apply online at ssuinnovation.com.