Cub Camp 2023

Shawnee State University to host Cub Camp Jun. 26–29

Shawnee State University’s 2023 Cub Camp program will be held Jun. 26–29. Held annually on SSU’s campus, Cub Camp is a summer academic enrichment program designed to spark the imagination and expand the knowledge of those children who have completed grades Pre-K–8th Grade. The four-day camp hosts multiple sessions for children to explore their creativity, learn new skills, and spend time on SSU’s campus.

The camp’s sessions are divided into courses designed for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-8. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will remain in the same session throughout the week, while children in Grades 1-8 can choose up to three courses to match their interests and grade level. Courses range in topics in science, art, and sports, while also offering courses that include topics in Portsmouth history, agriculture, theatre, and nature, among many others. Course descriptions can be found online at

Early Cub Registration is currently available during which campers can be registered for the four-day camp for $210. Lunch in the SSU Bear’s Den on campus is included. Early Cub Registration can be completed online until Apr. 1 at

For more information on this year’s Shawnee State University Cub Camp, contact the university’s Center for Lifelong Learning at

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