School of Education Day

Shawnee State University to host School of Education Day on Apr. 14

Shawnee State University’s Office of Admissions will host a School of Education Day on Friday, Apr. 14. The event welcomes high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the education programs at SSU.

SSU’s School of Education offers multiple degree pathways for teachers including licensure in early, middle, and adolescent-to-young adult education. Courses within the programs allow students to think critically, act ethically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively to meet the needs of their students. Students have the opportunity to observe classrooms from their first semester and will complete a semester-long student teaching placement their senior year where they will work side-by-side with a teaching professional.

Students attending School of Education Day will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to provide them with more information on the program. The event will offer tours of SSU’s campus, student and parent workshops, and lunch in the Bears’ Den Dining Hall. Students will also have the chance to meet with current students and experienced faculty to ask any questions they might have.

To learn more about the event or to register for SSU’s School of Education Day, visit

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