Take Back the Night
SSU to host Take Back the Night on Apr. 6
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Shawnee State University’s Office of Title IX and Peer Drop-In Center will host a week of events – called Take Back the Week – to support survivors of sexual assault. The week’s events will highlight sexual assault, healing, safety practices, and empowerment.
“April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we are doing several events to support survivors of sexual assault and encourage victims to come forward with their stories,” SSU Title IX Coordinator Desiree Isaac said.
On Thursday, Apr. 6, the offices welcome the community to join them for Take Back the Night.
“Take Back the Night is a program aimed at empowering survivors of sexual assault and allies on campus to feel safe and create an open environment,” said Isaac.
The event will host activities starting at 3 p.m. in the Morris University Center focused on building healthy relationships, identifying red flags, and processing trauma. Beginning at 6 p.m. the event will begin its march to Tracy Park in Portsmouth, Ohio, where a candlelight vigil honoring sexual assault survivors will be held.
Throughout the week, the offices will also hold a Resource Fair, “What They Were Wearing” display, Campus & Community Safety townhall session, a Bystander Intervention Training, Trauma-Informed Yoga Class, and a Rise, Release, and Regain session for students to symbolically release trauma. Community groups interested in participating in the Resource Fair can contact Isaac at disaac@shawnee.edu for more information.
To learn more about programs and initiatives within the Office of Title IX at Shawnee State University, visit shawnee.edu/titleix.